Friday, 8 May 2020


Today was a great day for our Tairawhiti Group. We all sat the Google Exam together and it was a great experience. We found we were quite tight for time and in reflection we needed to work faster. We also had not covered Google Classroom, Seesaw which gobbled up some of our time learning how to use it. We all got a lot out of sitting the exam and now feel more confident going into the resit session together. Despite feeling a little deflated I still really appreciate the DFI programme. I have learnt so much and would not have been as well equipped for online learning through Covid lockdown if I hadn't attended this programme.
  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?
  • Using the Class blog to share completed learning has been so powerful for my learners. They really enjoy sharing what they have done and thinking positively and reflectively about completed tasks. Through sharing learning with each other during lockdown we have been able to continue our Learn, Create, Share journey. The learn, create, share pedagogy has permanently shaped my style of teaching. It is so powerful and makes logical sense. I ams so excited creating tasks that are engaging for my learners. The enthusiasm rubs off and my class get so excited to share their learning. Love multimodal learning. It really makes sense to deliver information in different ways, multiple times, rewindable learning and so on.
  • Enabling access was so helpful!
  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  
  • I really enjoyed looking at Google forms again today. I think it could be really interesting to gather student voice after we return from lockdown in that first week. It will be great to use Forms to gather information to support learners transitioning back into school life.
  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?
  • Through sitting the Google Exam I have become more aware what is involved through working through the Google education programme. I am also open to extending my knowledge through the next level of DFI if there is further study. I feel like the lockdown gave us an intense time to learn, create and share ourselves. We have built such a momentum with our learning. I would like to keep firing along on my DFI journey.
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